- Principal's Report - School Council Meeting
The School Council is made up of elected parent and teacher representatives. Monthly meetings are held and any member of the school community is welcome to attend, but only elected members can vote.
MacFarlane Primary School Council combines together to work towards the development and advancement of our school. The Council is made up of:
- 6 parent representatives
- 2 teacher representatives (elected by peers)
- 1 Preschool representative (elected by Preschool sub-committee)
- Up to 2 other members (invited by Council)
- 1 Principal as an Ex-Officio member (member who is there by virtue of office)
The functions of School Councils are contained in the Education Act. Under the Education Act, the council has the responsibility to:
- Through the budgeting process, determine how the school’s money will be spent
- Through consultation in the development of the Action Plan for school improvement, advise the Principal about the educational and physical needs of the school community
- Advise and put forward suggestions for the community use of school facilities
- Liaise with Commonwealth and Territory funding bodies e.g. PSPI
- Encourage and promote parent involvement and participation in all school activities
- Communicate with and share information about the Council
Parents, through the School council, need to be supportive of agreed school policies and co-operate with school, staff, other parents and children in the best interests of their children’s education. They should raise any concerns promptly and appropriately.
Teachers, through the School council, inform parents about the curriculum and school policies and encourage parent participation and involvement. They listen to parents and work to address their concerns, through balanced, professional advice.
The Principal’s role as the representative of the chief Executive of the department of Employment, Education and Training (and, as such the Chief executive Officer of MacFarlane Primary School) is responsible for the implementation of departmental policy. Through educational leadership and sound management practice, the Principal supports the School Council as a group which determines the broad directions of the school as a decision making group.